About me

In a Nutshell or tl;wr
I’m a Software-Developer based in Germany, enjoying home automation topics, microcontrollers, space- and quantum physics, astro- and landscape photography and mountainbiking.
Let’s stay in touch
Instagram _codedwithlove
Instagram _fbrinker
Instagram _fbmtb
Once upon a time
It was 1987 when I had the chance to / or maybe better had to run my first Hello World
program. 12 years later, at a local discounter, I found a HTML book for about 5€ and just had to buy it.
Since then I couldn’t stop learning new technical stuff. After building my first HTML websites, I’ve found out about Javascript, followed by ASP and, a short while later, of course PHP and MySQL. All that without any internet access on my PC. I had to print out all the documentations (sry trees!) and worked with the classic XAMPP stack.
Besides the classic web development, I’ve fooled around with C++ and DirectX as game developer to create my very own 2D engine, or I’ve created add-ons for PC games like World of Warcraft and Elderscrolls Online with LUA. I’ve worked with Assembler, Delphi and Java and built one or another app for Android devices.
I’m interested in many aspects around software development. A developer has to keep trying new technologies and shouldn’t stop learning new things. I like working on APIs, tinkering with microcontrollers and trying new programming languages. From time to time I like to start my projects with a new (to me) programming language like Python or currently Go.
Also DevOps topics like Docker, continuous integration / delivery and other tools like the Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf and Kapacitor stack aren’t unfamiliar.
Home Automation
Maybe it’s because developers tend to be lazy, at least I am, or because I need to have technical devices around me all the time, but I’m interested in all aspects of home automation. Working on your own home automation is perfect to combine technology, learning new things, programming and tinkering. Most of my devices are connected via MQTT and the server was built with FHEM a while ago. Now Home Assistant is my favorite choice and serves me well.
What else
In my free time, besides sitting in front of any technical device, I like to ride my mountainbike and enjoy the nature at least two times a week or I go out and do some astro- and landscape photography.
If you have any questions or need support for interesting projects, feel free to contact me anytime. :)